‘Born-frees’ to help build a more prosperous SA


24 May 2014

Young South Africans, especially those born in 1994, when the country first attained democracy, are looking forward to contributing to a more prosperous South Africa.

The “born-frees”, as they are known, voted for the first time in the country’s general elections a few weeks ago, and are looking forward to taking part in running of the country and contributing to the economy.

Tshifhiwa Magadzhe, 20, from Limpopo province, was among the born-frees attending Jacob Zuma’s inauguration for a second term as President of South Africa at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Saturday.

The second-year information technology student at the Tshwane University of Technology told SAnews that she couldn’t wait to get her diploma and become part of the workforce.

Asked what democracy means to her, she simply said it meant more opportunities for the previously disadvantaged and a better life for all. “I have voted so that people’s lives can be changed for the better and so that the country’s economy grows,” Magadzhe said.

“Democracy also means equal opportunities for all,” she said, adding that the government needed to create more opportunities for young people to enable them to become part of the system.

Twenty-year-old Steven Mason, a second-year administration student from North West province, echoed Magadzhe’s sentiments. “I am glad that our country offers plenty of opportunities for young people. As young people we are given opportunities to be part of the system,” he said.

Other young people are looking forward to starting their own businesses and creating job opportunities for the unemployed youth.

Jason Wilkins, a third-year business management student, told SAnews that he wass looking forward to starting his own business empire. “Government must take the interests of young people to heart,” he said.

Source: SAnews.gov.za