New online home for Mandela’s legacy


26 November 2014

The Nelson Mandela Foundation’s relaunched website is a visually rich portal that incorporates multimedia functionality to better keep Madiba’s legacy alive in the 21st century, while catering for a growing global audience.


Information on the portal establishes the foundation as the trusted voice on the life and times of Mandela. It also facilitates the vital advocacy platform in the promotion of social justice for all.


More than 350 000 people a month visit the site. The biography page receives around 120 000 views a month.

Sello Hatang, the chief executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, says the new site helps establish the Nelson Mandela Foundation “as the trusted voice on the life and times of Nelson Mandela, and serves as an information hub for the social dialogues we carry out across South Africa in honour of Madiba’s legacy”.

“In Tribute to Nelson Mandela”, a special exhibition in honour of the first anniversary of Madiba’s passing, will be launched at the Foundation’s Centre of Memory in Johannesburg on 4 December.

Members of the public will be able to view the exhibition and pay tribute to Mandela on open days at the centre, which will run from 5 to 15 December (weekdays 9am to 4pm and weekends 9am to 2pm at no fee).

The foundation’s new website acts as an online portal into the life and times of Madiba, giving the user a profound sense of how he ultimately realised his dream of a united nation, and the long journey it took to get there.


The rich content includes video, images, quotes and audio clips.


The “#NelsonMandela Social Wall” is an aggregation of social media discussions about Mandela on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.


SAinfo reporter and the Nelson Mandela Foundation