2 October 2015
Minister Mosebenzi Zwane, who was sworn in as mineral resources minister just over a week ago, will meet key stakeholders in mining over the next few days, including organised business and organised labour, to get their views on the challenges and opportunities in the sector.
“I am well aware of the critical role that this sector plays in the economy, and the challenges it faces not only locally, but globally as well,” he said.
Zwane takes over the important portfolio at a time when the industry is at its lowest ebb, with prolonged low commodity prices.
He said he appreciated the cyclic nature of mining and remained positive. These difficult times presented opportunities to find innovative ways of thinking to continue sustainable growth, while catalysing broader development in the country.
This is consistent with the objectives of the government-led Mining Phakisa, which begins later this month.
“I am confident that with the support and collective wisdom of the leadership of the industry, we can work together to move the mining industry, and indeed the South African economy, forward,” Zwane said.
According to the department, mining plays a key role in the country’s economic development. It has transformed South Africa into the most industrialised country in Africa, and has driven infrastructure growth and created employment.
Zwane was sworn into office on 23 September. Watch the ceremony:
SAinfo reporter