Innovation and Sustainability – A conversation on the future of mining in South Africa


The rate of transformation across industries is snowballing at extraordinary rates. According to Deloitte’s The Future of Mining in Africa 2018 Report, the rapid advance of innovation in mining, coupled with regulatory changes, will change the way that African mines operate and requires careful consideration of the impact for mining stakeholders.

This year’s African Mining Indaba virtual engagement took place in February 2021. Brand South Africa is collaborating with the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, Minerals Council South Africa and Investec Bank Limited to deliver an online South African Investment conversation, designed to enhance the South Africa’s mining and minerals industry, for global competitiveness.

The digital future and policy changes are presenting both challenges and opportunities to the sector. The session will highlight and unpack agile approaches and investment opportunities to rebuild the mining sector in South Africa in the midst of a pandemic.

Speakers of the day will include:

Ms. Gugulethu Mfuphi (Moderator)

Dr. Petrus De Kock, General Manager: Research, Brand South Africa

Ms. Annabel Bishop, Chief Economist, Investec Bank Limited

Mr. Yunus Hoosen, Head of Invest SA

Mr. Roger Baxter, Chief Executive Officer: Minerals Council South Africa

Details of the engagement are as follows:

Date:          18 March 2021

Time:         14:00 – 15:00

Registration link: