Are you job-market ready?


While South Africans are proactive in their search for jobs, the reality still exists that it is not easy to break into the job market. Citizens look to government, private and public sector to not only prioritise the development of young people, but also to create opportunities that will ensure everyone plays a part in contributing to economic growth in South Africa.

If you are job hunting or will be in the market once you’ve graduated, get as much preparation done as possible, before you get that all-important phone call. Although there are general practices and procedures that recruiters follow when selecting candidates for interviews, they may choose to do things differently, especially if the vacancy needs to be filled with immediate effect.

Recruiters advise that in order to be effective in the job market, you need to invest in the appropriate “marketing” tools and skills. .

Given below are essential tips to help you.

  • Make sure your CV/ résumé is up to-to-date and grabs attention. Get in contact with companies or individuals who offer CV formatting services if you are unable to do it yourself.
  • Be easily-contactable and remember to always put your cellular phone number on your CV.
  • Do thorough research about the industry educational and work experience required to gain entry to fields you are interested in so you can create an action plan to be equipped for employment in the chosen field.
  • The rise and relevance of social media in the 21st century has seen many success stories. Keep an eye on social media platforms for conversations and trending topics related to recruitment. By searching #JobSeekersZA on Twitter one is able to look for specific vacancies and apply.
  • Check your emails regularly as this has become a preferred way of communication by employers.
  • Avail yourself for learnerships and internships. Register on company websites for these, and use the opportunity to grow

Additional reporting: Spectator Index, IOL, Faith Solomon, Managing Director and Founder of Intelligent Placemen