Brand South Africa Statement


Johannesburg, Friday 17th August 2018 – Brand South Africa’s Board of Trustees has appointed Ms Thembi Kunene-Msimang as Acting Chief Executive Officer of the entity as of 13th August 2018.

Ms Kunene-Msimang is currently a non-executive Trustee at Brand South Africa. She has over 18 years’ executive management experience in the fields of Tourism, Communication, Marketing and serves on various other Boards.

“I am delighted to have been trusted to help steer the organisation to success with the support from employees and the Board. I look forward to continuing the work in fulfilling the organisation’s mandate for the greater good of our country”, said Ms Kunene- Msimang.

Chairperson of the Board, Ms Khanyisile Kweyama added, “the Board would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Nadine Thomas for her contribution and willingness to act as CEO since April. She will now continue in her role as Chief Financial Officer of the organisation”.

For more information, please contact, Brand South Africa’s General Manager for Communications, Ms Thoko Modise 082 787 6695,