The Johannesburg Stock Exchange Leads by Example


CEOs Know Campaign: The Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Tsabeng Nthite – Inspired by the need to build a positive  reputation for South Africa, Brand South Africa – through its digital campaign themed ‘CEOs Know’ this week interviewed Ms Nicki Newton-King, the CEO of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) who shared her thoughts on why the JSE leads by example.

“We are really proud of the way the JSE leads by example, we have world class financial markets in a developing economy – something that takes many of our international clients by quite considerable surprise. The JSE is also one of the world’s top 20 equity markets, one of the world’s top 10 derivatives markets, and one of the world’s top 5 bond markets.”

The CEOs Know campaign is in  collaboration with Business Leadership South Africa  and aims to position South Africa as in ideal investment destination. The CEOs Know Campaign features various CEO’s from  multinational corporations based in South Africa, who share insights behind their continued investment into South Africa.

The JSE continues to dominate the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region, representing 38% of all listed companies and 83% of total market capitalisation in the region in 2012. In fact, 68 of sub-Saharan Africa’s 100 largest companies in terms of market capitalisation are listed on the JSE, including the five largest companies in Africa. In addition to  being the most advanced stock exchange in the region, the JSE is also among the global top 20 of exchanges in  market capitalisation and turnover. With a market capitalisation of 159% of GDP in 2012, South Africa also has one of the largest equity markets in the world, relative to the size of its economy.

Touching on the recent transition in political leadership which led to Cyril Ramaphosa being elected as President of the Republic – Newton-King says that this change has brought about a sense of renewed hope – not only for South Africans, but also for foreign investors.

“When foreign investors have come to talk to us recently – they started out with the question ‘is the political change for real’ and what we are able to confidently tell them is that this change has imbued our people with a real sense of home and optimism. They ask us about the Rule of Law, and whether or not we all respect their rights and of course we proudly say that we have one of the world’s most respected Constitutions and one of the most respected judiciary – and these are enormously positive things to say about our country.

“This country is the most extraordinary place to live in, there is a beat that you wake up to every single day. I am inspired by the diversity that we have as a competitive advantage in this country,” concluded Newton-King.

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