Brand South Africa commemorates Human Rights Day in collaboration with Constitution Hill


The 21st March 2018 marked the commemoration of Human Rights Day – a day in remembrance of the Sharpeville massacre which took place on 21 March 1960. The massacre ensued as a result of protests against the Apartheid regime in the country.

On that day 69 people died and 180 were wounded when police fired on a peaceful crowd that had gathered in protest against the Pass laws. This day marked an affirmation by ordinary people, rising in unison to proclaim their rights. It has since become an iconic date in the country’s history.

“As we commemorate our fallen heroes of the 1960 massacre, let us not forget the price paid for our freedom. We need to reflect on how we can better empower each other and take the opportunity to embrace and be reminded of the Bill of Rights, Chapter 2 of the Constitution- that everyone has a right to life, equality and human dignity”, said Brand South Africa’s Stakeholder Relations Manager: Government, Ms Toni Gumede.

The Bill of Rights preserved in the Constitution is the cornerstone of the constitutional and representative democracy. The Constitution as the supreme law means that no laws may be passed that goes against it. The Bill of Rights also comprehensively addresses South Africa’s history of oppression, colonialism, slavery, racism and sexism and other forms of human violations. The Bill of Rights embeds the rights of all people in our country in an enduring affirmation of the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom.

“Brand South Africa takes the opportunity to emphasize the importance of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution through its Constitutional Awareness programme. The programme aims to inspire constitutionalism, tolerance and constructive expression amongst citizens of South Africa”, adds Ms Gumede.

One of the ways in which Brand South Africa will deliver on this will be a collaboration with Constitution Hill, for the delivery of the annual Human rights programme on the 23rd – 25th March 2018.

This event promotes social cohesion and commemorates the coming of age of the world’s most progressive constitution through activities which nurture patriotism, constitutional awareness and active citizenship.

The three-day programme articulated below;

• Day 1 – Civil Society Organisations Engagement
On the 23rd March 2018, Constitution Hill in collaboration with Brand South Africa, will host a dialogue and matchmaking session with role players in the CSI space, specifically, NPO’s, relevant state entities and corporates who have an intention to align and collaborate with the NPO space in the delivery of their CSI programme.

• Day 2 – African Human Rights Film screening and African Human right book session
On the 24th March 2018, will be film screenings of African film that speak to Freedom as well as a book session within the constitutional space such as Memoirs of a born free. Brand South Africa’s Audiovisuals will be played in-between the film.

On 25th March 2018, Brand South Africa will participate in the WE THE PEOPLE WALK. Brand South Africa, in collaboration with Constitution Hill and its stakeholders, will engage in this symbolic activity that seeks to affirm constitutionalism as the foundation of the South African Nation Brand and specifically the protection of human rights.

“We urge the youth, social activists and social advocacy groups in the constitutional advocacy space to come and engage in this exciting programme as we commemorate Human Rights Day and be educated in terms of the Bill of Rights”, concludes Ms Gumede.

Register to participate in the walk here.

For more information or to set up interviews, please contact:
Ntombi Ntanzi
Tel: +27 11 712 5071