The 5th South African Premier Business Awards will be hosted by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), in partnership with Brand South Africa and Proudly South African, on the 30 January 2018 at the Sandton Convention Centre.

Johannesburg, 22 January 2018 – Members of the media are invited to attend the awards ceremony of the fifth South African Premier Business Awards where South African business excellence will be recognised and rewarded. The ceremony will be hosted by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), in partnership with Brand South Africa and Proudly South African under the theme Rewarding Business Excellence:
DATE : Tuesday, 30 January 2018
VENUE : Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg
TIME : 18h30
Thirty companies will be vying for top honours in ten categories which include Black Industrialists Award, Manufacturer Award, Play Your Part Award, Proudly South African Member Company Award, SMME Award, Woman Owned Award and Young Entrepreneur Award. The awards are sponsored by Tsogo Sun, Old Mutual, Wits Business School and Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
According to the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies the awards recognise business excellence and celebrate enterprises that promote the spirit of success and innovation as well as job creation, good business ethics and quality.
Journalists who will be covering the event are requested to RSVP by Wednesday, 24 January 2018 to Charles Mnisi via email: CMnisi@thedti.gov.za or telephone on 012 394 1721/072 523 4886 or Ntombi Ntanzi on Ntombifuthn@brandsouthafrica.com or (011) 712-5071/081 704 1488.
More information on the South African Premier Business Awards, visit: www.sapremierbusinessawards.co.za or call 0861 843 384.
To set up interviews, please contact:
Ntombi Ntanzi
Tel: +27 11 712 5071
Mobile: +27 (0) 81 704 1488
Email: ntombin@brandsouthafrica.com
Visit brandsouthafrica.com
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