With the theme “Together We Move South Africa Forward”, President Jacob Zuma’s 2015 State of the Nation Address, delivered to Parliament on 12 February, was a celebration of the progress South Africa has made over the past year, and a blueprint of priorities for the next.
South Africa’s democracy remains strong
25 February 2015 – In a country as diverse as South Africa, it is natural for there to be differing views and vigorous contestation, writes Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe. So it would be a mistake to assume the fracas in parliament during the State of the Nation Address on 12 February meant our democracy was on the edge of an abyss. MORE >
State of the Nation Address 2015: full speech
13 February 2015 – Read the full text of President Jacob Zuma’s State of the Nation Address to a joint sitting of Parliament on 12 February, 2015. MORE >
President welcomes special guests to South Africa’s Sona
13 February 2015 – A number of special guests attended the State of the Nation at the invitation of President Jacob Zuma. Among them were three schoolgirls who represented the country at the G20 summit in Australia. Other guests were sports stars and entrepreneurs. MORE >
State of the Nation Address 2015: an overview
12 February 2015 – President Jacob Zuma will deliver his sixth State of the Nation Address during a joint sitting of Parliament in Cape Town this evening. More than just a speech, Sona sets the agenda for how the country will be governed over the year ahead, making commitments to the nation that Parliament is obliged to ensure the government keeps. MORE >
Infographic: The State of the Nation, in numbers
11 February 2015 – With the theme “Together We Move South Africa Forward”, the 2015 State of the Nation Address will be an opportunity to celebrate progress South Africa has made over the past year, and an opportunity to highlight priorities for the next. Let’s look at the numbers that make up
the event. MORE >
Be active citizens, Radebe urges South Africans
3 February 2015 – Next week, the President of the Republic of South Africa Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma will deliver the State of the Nation address to the joint sitting of the two houses of Parliament. Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe reflects on the importance of the address, and what it means to the people of South Africa. MORE >