Youth urged to dream big and be bold


Youth Month Ella Bella textUNEP Youth Ambassador Ella Bella Constantinides is urging young men and women to believe in something that is right for the sake of their communities. (Image: Brand South Africa Youtube channel)

This Youth Month, some of South Africa’s most influential and empowered young leaders passed on inspirational messages to the youth of the country.

Former Miss Teen South Africa Raelene Rorke, Neo Mafokwane and sisters Catherine and Ella Bella Constantinides, urged the youth to dream big and believe in something that will change the world.

Rorke, who is also the founder of ideas hub called SpringAGE, advised youth to critcially reflect on their personal goals and think about their dreams. Being young, she says, is about thinking up unreasonable ideas and having the boldness to try them.

Catherine, who was former Miss Earth South Africa and is an executive at Lead SA, says young people are capable of tackling challenges, and playing their part to improve South Africa.

Ella Bella, who is the United Nations Environmental Programme’s youth ambassador, urges young men and women to believe in something that is right and stand up for it.

Neo Mafokwane, executive director of One Lyrical Group says being young means you have the power, time, resources and stamina to achieve your goals, no matter what they are.