Thobile Msomi: Helping to heal the wounds of loss


Thobile Msomi article
Thobile Msomi with the many awards she has received for her work chanpioning widows’ rights. (Image: South Coast Sun)

When her husband died, leaving her with three children to raise as a single mother, Thobile Msomi was forced to find the means to support her family. She could have chosen to keep secret the lessons she has learned in how to raise a family as a single parent, but instead Msomi chose to play her part in empowering other women who find themselves in the same boat and who are in need of advice and support.

Qina Mfelokazi (A Woman with Courage) is one of her books targeted at women who have to deal with their husbands’ deaths without support from their families. The book has become a beacon of hope for women who do not have the opportunities or community facilities that provide counselling for widows.

Msomi is the founder of the South African Association of Widows and Single Ladies. It assists women who suffer the loss of husbands or partners, especially those with children. Brand South Africa salutes Msomi for providing a platform for women to heal and achieve success.
