Brand South Africa collaborates with the Market Theatre


Johannesburg, Friday 13 November – Brand South Africa has partnered with the Market Theatre Foundation to profile South Africa’s arts and culture sector and the role it plays in telling the positive South African story.

South Africa is home to one of the most dynamic and eclectic arts and culture sectors, which mirrors the diversity which exists across all facets of South African society. Through the arts, we are able to communicate, amongst others, the tales of forgiveness and triumph that inspire South Africa’s young democracy to heal the divisions of the past and foster national pride.

The National Development Plan (NDP) describes arts and culture as open powerful spaces for debate about where a society finds itself and where it is going. Through artistic expression South Africans are able to communicate their reality and profile unique South African values to both international and domestic audiences. The NDP highlights that the creative and cultural industries can contribute substantially to small business development, job creation, and urban development and renewal which in turn improves South Africa’s competitiveness.

The arts and culture sector is therefore a critical contributor to the positive positioning of South Africa as a creative and innovative country.

The Market Theatre Foundation and Brand South Africa will play their part in recognising the value of this sector in driving social cohesion, pride and patriotism as well as job creation, and have come together to profile South Africa’s dynamic arts industry and positively tell the South African story.

This partnership will consist of various elements and events over the next year. The partnership will be launched with a production of James Ngcobo’s Songs From Jazz Town, a musical celebrating great artists of the past whilst incorporating contemporary South African hip hop that speaks to current South African issues.

Media is invited as follows:

Date: 20 November 2015
Time: 19h45
Venue: John Kani Theatre, The Market Theatre
RSVP: Kelly Davids
Lusanda Zokufa