Brand South Africa invites you to a networking session with Business Sweden


    Johannesburg, Thursday 6 February 2014 – Brand South Africa, will in partnership with Business Sweden, hold a networking session during which the development of an export index will be discussed.

    During this session, Brand South Africa’s Head of Research, Dr Petrus de Kock, will also present an update following the inaugural Competitiveness Forum hosted in November last year.

    The development of an export index takes the discussions if the Competitiveness Forum forward as this was one of the recommendations.

    Please join Brand South Africa and Business Sweden on:

    Date: Monday, 10 February 2014

    Time: 13h30 for 14h00-16h30

    Venue: Michelangelo Hotel, 135 West Street, Sandton

    RSVP: Sandisiwe Gugushe
    011 482 0133 or 073 126 9128

    Please find details of the programme for the afternoon hereunder:


    13h30           Registration

    14h00           Welcome address by Swedish Trade Commissioner, Olov Hemström

    14h10           Introduction to the Swedish export industry (including global
    trends) by Mr Mauro Gozzo, Chief Economist in Sweden

    14h40           Introduction to the South African export industry today by Chief Economist

    15h10           Developing an index for South African export managers by Mr. Mauro Gozzo, Chief Economist in Sweden

    15h40           Opening of panel discussion, Petrus De Kock
    15h50           Panel discussion, outcome, questions and answers

    16h30           Networking cocktail between Swedish and South African companies

    Note to editors

    About Brand South Africa

    Brand South Africa is the official marketing agency of South Africa, with a mandate to build the country’s brand reputation, in order to improve its global competitiveness abroad. Its aim is also to build pride and patriotism among South Africans, in order to contribute to social cohesion and nation brand ambassadorship.

    Further resources from Brand South Africa

    Media are invited to visit for further resources which can be reproduced without any copyright infringement.  Kindly attribute to Brand South Africa.

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    Tell us how you Play Your Part

    For more information or to set up interviews, please contact:
    Sandisiwe Gugushe
    Mobile: 073 126 9128
