Capturing the Cape’s splendour


NoordhoekHorses on Noordhoek. (Photo: African Pixels on I ♥ Cape Town)


anne taylorBy Anne Taylor
15 October 2013

Cape Town Tourism posted this photograph of horseriders on Long Beach in Noordhoek, just below Chapman’s Peak, on their Facebook page recently – and we thought it was worth republishing here. Taken by African Pixels, the photograph received nearly 1 500 likes, was shared more than 60 times and a hundred people felt moved to comment, many sharing their experiences of riding at Noordhoek, about a 30-minute drive from Cape Town’s city centre.

Long Beach is an 8km-long, pristine beach – perfect for long strolls … or horse rides. Imhoff Equestrian Centre offers two-hour guided rides, while Sleepy Hollow Horse Riding offers a variety of horsey activities.