16 August 2005
Public servants throughout Africa are to get a skills boost when a new pan-African management institute is launched in Johannesburg on Thursday. The institute aims to improve the ability of the continent’s public servants to deal effectively with management problems.
Called the African Management Development Institute Network (Amdin), the initiative is to be launched by the Department of Public Service and Administration in partnership with SA Management Development Institute and management development institutes from other African states, under the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (Nepad).
According to the Department of Public Services, Amdin will work to build the capacity of the continent’s management development institutes so as to improve public service.
The need for Amdin was first discussed at the Nepad Management Development and Public Administration Institutes Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2000.
At the conference it was decided to work towards the establishment of an African network of management development institutes that would provide a platform for collective efforts in solving management problems facing governments on the continent.
African ministers have expressed their full support of the establishment and operations of Amdin, saying the new body will play a significant role in the development of Africa and its people.
Amdin’s executive management committee, to be elected at the launch, will be presented to the conference of the Pan African Ministers of Public Service and Administration scheduled for 30 August.
Among those attending the launch will be Public Service Minister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Nepad officials and directors of management development institutes from Botswana, Ethiopia, Egypt, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Source: BuaNews