MPs join Football Fridays campaign


8 March 2010 member of Parliament on 4 march recieved soccer jerseys in support of Football Fridays and the 2010 Fifa World Cup™.

Independent Democrats MP Joe McGluwa felt that politics should be set aside for the 2010 Fifa World Cup,”It is for us to take away all our differences and put all our support behind Bafana Bafana,’ he said.

African National Congress MP Patrick Chauke agreed, saying it was only “about soccer, so put [your] caps aside and then we become ordinary South Africans.”

The Congress of the People’s Nick Koornhof said,”If we don’t win [the World Cup], we must win the hearts and minds of the world.

Eyewitness news reports that Parliamentarians said they intended joining hands to make sure they help the country score a vital international goal by making the tournament a success.

Source:Chantall Presence