MWeb launches cloud storage service


24 June 2011


South African internet service provider MWeb has announced the launch of Store-It, a file hosting service that enables both individuals and business owners to store and access files online using cloud computing technology.


According to MWeb, Store-It is an alternative, cheaper and safer solution to using hardware such as flash drives or external hard drives to store and save files. Users will have complete control of their data which is stored locally on MWeb’s servers.


The main feature of Store-It is that it’s in “the cloud”, so you can access it from any connected device from any location.


“Many consumers aren’t aware that they use cloud services daily,” Nathier Kasu, head of digital at MWeb, said in a statement this week.


Using online platforms such as photo sharing social network, Flickr is a perfect example of cloud computing as well as the recent online gaming craze, Farmville which is accessed through Facebook.


Stored on local servers


Taking its consumers’ requirements for a cloud-based file sharing service into consideration, MWeb has decided to offer 5-gigabyets (GB) of free space on Store-It to its customers.


According to MWeb, this allows customers to securely store their documents, as well as almost 100 000 photographs or more than 1 200 mp3 format music files. Also, since all data is stored on local servers, it allows for faster retrieval times than offshore-based foreign solutions.


“We are always looking for ways to benefit our customers’ overall Internet experience and encourage them to explore the Internet by taking advantage of our value added services,” said Kasu. “Store-It is a no frills, easy to use solution and another innovative product that we are proud to put into our stable.”


Store-It also has paid-for upgrade options of 45GB and 95GB for those customers needing for online storage space.


SAinfo reporter



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