South African business chambers


South Africa’s national, regional and local business associations, chambers and foundations all work to promote growth and investment, build new enterprises, forge stronger links between the country’s business communities.


Business foundations


Go to Business Leadership South Africa

Business Leadership Foundation: An association of South Africa’s largest corporations and major multinational companies with a significant presence in South Africa. Members are committed to addressing the challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment.


    • Website:



Go to the Gordon Institute of Business Science

Gordon Institute of Business Science: Based at the University of Pretoria, GIBS aims to significantly improve the competitive performance of individuals and organisations through business education, supplying a wide range of activities and programmes.





National business associations


Go to Business Unity South Africa

Business Unity SA: The Black Business Council and Business South Africa merged in October 2003 to create Business Unity South Africa (Busa), the country’s first properly unified business organisation. Busa is a confederation of South African chambers of commerce and industry, professional and corporate associations, and unisectoral employers’ organisations. The body is the main representative of SA business, tackling macro-economic and high-level issues affecting it at national and international levels.




Go to the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry

South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry: SACCI is the country’s largest business organisation, with a membership of close to 20 000 businesses, from the largest corporations in South Africa to sector-specific business associations. It has almost 50 constituent chambers.

SACCI addresses economic, social and political issues affecting the business community. It also publishes the monthly Business Confidence Index. SACCI was formerly known as the South African Chamber of Business (Sacob).




Go to the National African Federated Chamber of Commerce

The National African Federated Chamber of Commerce: Nafcoc is an independent business support organisation that primarily, but not exclusively, serves the interests of black economic empowerment companies and small businesses.




Go to the Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut

Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut: The AHI is a multisectoral employers’ organisation involved in most sectors of South Africa’s economy. It helps guide members through an extensive network, aiming to “create sustainable prosperity”. It runs an annual entrepreneur of the year award.



Family Business Association of Southern Africa: Fabasa acts as the official mouthpiece of family-owned business in Southern Africa, and promotes the overall interests of this economic sector.



Go to the Foundation for African Business and Consumer 

Foundation for African Business and Consumer Services: Fabcos, established in 1988, aims to ensure that informal black business becomes part of the mainstream of the South African economy. It focuses on township and rural-based formal and informal businesses. Financially independent, it operates a number of companies as a means of intervening for the benefit of its members. Fabcos is a member of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA).

Fabcos affiliated sector associations: African Builders Association, the African Farmers Association, the African Hair and Beauty Association, the Black Association of Travel Agents, the Foundation for Informal Business Association, the National Cottage and Textiles Association, the National Traders Association, the SA Taverners Association, and “The Profs”, an association for black professionals.




National Small Business Chamber: The NSBC represents South Africa’s small- and medium-sized business sector. It offers expert advice and other benefits to self-employed and small-business owners, and publishes a weekly e- magazine. Runs the annual Small Business Champion awards.




Go to the Minara Chamber of Commerce

Minara Chamber of Commerce: The Minara Chamber of Commerce represents and assists South African Muslim businesses and entrepreneurs. The constitution and workings are based on an adherence to an Islamic code of conduct and ethics.





Regional business chambers


Eastern Cape:





Free State:










    • Ekhurhuleni North Chamber of Commerce and Industry:


    • Greater Boksburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry:



























North West:




Northern Cape:


    • Northern Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Nocci Kimberly):


    • Northern Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Nocci Upington):



Western Cape:





Reviewed: 13 May 2013


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