South African citizens get free access to national parks


15 September 2015

This week, all South Africans with a valid identification document can enjoy free access to most of the country’s national parks during the 10th annual South African National Parks (SANParks) Week. The week runs from 14 to 20 September.

This initiative, a partnership between First National Bank and Total South Africa, was opened by Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa, with the theme “Know Your National Parks”. It was launched at Marakele National Park in Limpopo.

National Parks Week was set up following the realisation that the majority of South Africa’s citizens were not visiting the country’s wildlife reserves, according to Fundisile Mketeni, the chief executive officer of SANParks. The reason for the week, Mketeni said, was to cultivate a culture of pride in all South Africans.

“SANParks started this campaign to encourage all South Africans, especially those from the communities around the parks, to share in what SANParks envisions to be ‘the pride and joy of all South Africans and the world,'” he said.

Source: SANparks